
What we do

  • We analyze your genes to determine your risk of future disease.
  • We assess your risk of diseases with a known genetic component, including: cancer, heart disease, and metabolic diseases.
  • We offer two tests:
    1. Standard test – tests specific variants in ~1,800 genes
    2. Premium test – tests the entire sequence of all ~20,000 genes

Why test your
genetic risk?

  • Based on your results, you can take control of your future health.
  • Your genes can tell you to start screening for cancer early.
  • Your genes can tell you to make lifestyle changes or take medication to help prevent heart disease.
  • Prospective parents can determine their carrier status to assess their risk of passing on an inheritable condition to their children.

How it works.
It's just saliva.

  • Place your order and a kit will be delivered to your door
  • Provide a saliva sample and we will collect it and deliver it to the lab for testing
  • When your results are ready, you will receive a comprehensive report by email

Know your risk. Change your future.